Jalallulail Othman, CIMB Islamic

Jalalullail Othman

Independent Non-Executive Director

CIMB Islamic

About Jalalullail Othman

JAL OTHMAN is a partner in the corporate and commercial law practice group in Shook Lin & Bok, one of the oldest and largest law firm in Malaysia.

Jal works with a team of approximately 20 lawyers advising on corporate and commercial deals, both for onshore and  cross border clients. His portfolio of work includes advising on a wide range of  corporate mergers and acquisitions, business disposal plans, internal company  restructuring and joint ventures and other commercial collaborations.

Jal’s involvement in the banking and finance practice group of the Firm provides a firm footing in corporate finance and this effectively compliments this work in the corporate department. Jal is also very much involved in public sector advisory work and has dealings with several governmental ministries,  departments and agencies.

The public sector works include concession agreements, facilitation fund agreements, collaboration agreements and  business off take agreements.

Consistent with the Firm’s policy of  driving a global presence, Jal has participated on various international  platforms as a speaker, moderator, panelist and commentator. These include  conferences, workshops and forums in Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia,  Egypt and Singapore.

Jal is also active in the Malaysian corporate scene, holding directorship position in a subsidiary of an international  financial institution.

As part of the Firm’s holistic participation in the industry, Jal is a member of the  technical committee of the Malaysia Accounting Standards Board (“MASB”), the standards setting body for the  accounting profession and the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (“MIA”).