The design of this program provides participants with a firm grounding in the purpose and aims of fraud risk management, as well as the components, structure and processes required to establish an effective anti-fraud strategy, policy and framework. Participants will also be exposed to types of fraud, the key drivers of fraud, and who the most likely perpetrators of fraud are likely to be. You will be schooled in effective fraud risk management frameworks, processes, policies and procedures from an ORM perspective. The program also provides relevant guidance in conducting practical fraud risk assessments and establishing appropriate fraud risk management reporting and oversight as well as how to deal with red flags. The fraud risk triangle is also studied together with a full understanding of the contributory factors components of the triangle and steps that can be implemented to mitigate these. Coverage of the program also extends to anti-bribery and corruption risk management and the ABMS requirements. Participants will be guided in the practical challenges in driving and implementing all of the above as well as practical solutions and considerations relating to culture.